Friday, July 22, 2011

My Silly Parents, Goals and Falling Off The Grid

As stated in my last post, I'm headed off for vacation next week. Actually, I'm already off. I'm writing this from my buddies apartment in Toronto. This may get a little scattered, as I'm a bit tired from 9 hours of driving the past two days, and we're heading out soon anyway. When I stopped home last night, I relaxed in the living room after dinner with my mom and sister. I was pecking away at my computer, and my mom asked me what I was up to. I replied that I was responding to a comment on my blog "ya know...the one you don't read". She laughed, and my sister suggested I read her the post where I make fun of her a bit. I did, and she was amused, however objected to a couple facts, which led to this little back and forth:
"I did not say that" - Mom
"Uhhh, you did" - Me
"That conversation never took place" - Mom
"Yes it most certainly did" - Me
"HAHAHA" - Sister
"Why didn't you object sooner" - Me
"I don't do blogs" - Mom
So there. That conversation, just as the previous one, took place. I don't want to solely pick on my mom, because my dad wasn't without his highlights this weekend. For some reason, as he's added some years, he's become an over explainer. He's always been an over organizer, however a simple conversation about homemade iced tea will now lead to an explanation of how it is made, where each ingredient was purchased (Wegmans for those interested), and why they weren't purchased elsewhere (BJs, Topps, Sams in this case). I also needed to "teach them how to buy and replace ink cartridges for the new printer". Next year, instead of buying them a nice Christmas gift, I'm just going to get myself a bunch of Advil. All that said, it does bear repeating, that even at 60, my parents kick ass (sorry about the language). Over the next week, we'll be waterskiing, tubing, golfing, playing tennis (if tennising was a word, that would have fit so well there) and sharing a few cocktails (not out of the same glass, ya know, each have out own but share the moment). Not many people can say their parents are interested in that stuff at 60 years old...maybe it kind of makes up for the printer.

Two weeks back, after donations for Donate For Life stalled a bit, I throughout a challenge to Facebook Nation. If I get up to $1000 (total goal is $2620) by the end of the month, I will enter one of those races where you have to wear costumes, and I'll dress as a super hero of the donators choosing. I thought it had a chance, but with over a week left, we're at that goal. So now I get to dress like an idiot and run around, but it will certainly be well worth it. So keep those donations coming. Every dollar matters as every single bit goes 100% to research.. Anyone who donates by the end of the month will get to vote in what the costume will be (and Borat in his speedo is not a super hero).

In about 15 hours, I'll be "off the grid" for the next week. There isn't great cell service on the lake, and roaming up here is a bit pricey anyways. From a business standpoint that sort of disconnection can be disconcerting, but things are going pretty well, and it will be nice to recharge a bit heading into August (which is about when my industry gets pretty busy). The workout goal is not to go backwards. I got in some good runs this week (about 12 miles so far), did a fairly crowded 5K last thursday and played 2 hours of soccer Saturday (which I'm counting as 3-4 miles...maybe more because I was exhausted and sore for two days). While there's no weights up there, I'm sure I'll be able to squeeze in two or three runs to at least keep the muscles moving. Upon my return my "official calendar" starts

That's all for the month. Some good stuff is coming up from my buddy Andy, and my friend Meg, in addition to my normal musings.

Enjoy the week/weekend


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