Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm Back, My Mom Doesn't Read Blogs, and Links

Well today went considerably better. I ate better, drank plenty of water, and had myself a great run this evening. Overall I legged out 6.5 miles in under 55 minutes. Not setting the world on fire, but it was a comfortable pace, and I was just happy that yesterdays crappy workout was most likely a solitary bad day. As anyone on facebook knows, today was quite a hot one though. When I went out to my car around 7:30, I thought to myself, "Wow, it's perfect out". Immediately after that I though, "Ohhh no, its still early, its gonna be brutal later"...and brutal it was. That said, I caution those of you who like to complain and post pictures of your cars thermometer on facebook, that winter is around the corner. You can't have it both ways. As much as I love skiing, I'll take the summer. I get to go boating, lounge on the beach, play golf, play tennis, and as for the aforementioned facebook, beach pictures often accompany the pics of your cars dashboard (if you know what I'm sayin'...).

While spending some time with my mom at the wedding this past weekend, we had the following conversation.
"How's the training going for that thing?" - Mom
"You mean the marathon" - Me
"Yeah, that. What's for dinner at this thing?" - Mom
"Pretty good, don't you occasionally drop in on my blog to check up. I have no idea about dinner" - Me
"Nope." - Mom
"Are you serious, I think its pretty good, and I'm not a terrible writer. You might like it" - Me
"I don't do blogs. Did you see The Voice finale?" - Mom
And that was that. So I don't confuse anyone, let me say, my mother is an amazing lady, a fantastic mother, and someone I admire greatly and love very much. But, she is also very direct and produces some classic awkward interactions. Also, as she clearly stated, she "doesn't do blogs". So, for what audience I do have, get ready for a lot more making fun of momma (and as I found out later in the weekend, you can add my dad and grandma to the list as well. I actually have a doozy about grandma all queued up for early next week).

Here's some links to peruse:

-Got a nice little 5K in Morristown Thursday night. Money goes to the New Jersey Battered Women's service. Happy to take part, but really bummed that we still have battered women (c'mon dudes, seriously? When I rule the world, you hit your lady, you fight Anderson Silva)

-Depending on which NFL team you root for, this article is either amusing or depressing. As a Bills fan, I was amused. Even though there were two on the list, at least it was only two. Could have easily been five.

-Love the Yanks, love Jeter, loved the 3000th hit this past weekend. Yes he should have gone to the ASG at least to tip his cap. But can't we just move past it already? (seriously, who cares about this game?)

-Mila Kunis scores some major cool points...to add onto her collection of major hot points.

-Netflix went from being super cheap, to, well, still pretty cheap (if you watch a movie a week).

-Somewhat epic airport security fail (that deserves a massive 'C'MON SON' (warning...dicey language in that one). Especially since I got five minutes of questions on my last business trip for traveling with two computers).

-Mother Nature apparently doesn't give two hoots we are about to go into a second recession.

That's all for today,


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