Sunday, November 13, 2011

One week away...and other stuff too.

I'm now in the midst of what is called "tapering down". Basically my focus for the next week is going to be staying loose and healthy, eat well, drink tons of water, and try not to think of the atrocity that has become the Buffalo Bills season. I've seen the Bills play some impressively crappy football over the past decade or so, but I've never seen a more disappointing two week stretch for a team that looked like it had so much promise. I can't say I didn't see this coming at some point, but it's still a bummer. On the plus side, after next Sunday, at least I'll be able to cry in my beer.

I hope anyone who's been following this little adventure is aware of the fundraising effort that I coupled with the marathon. I am unbelievably happy and proud to say that the goal of $2,620 has been achieved. There is still time to donate, and I'd love to his $3,000 if I could, however I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has donated. The generosity has been students have chipped in money they can barely spare, new parents have donated what they can, other friends have been tremendously generous with some impressive sums, and even friends between jobs found the means to throw their Friday bar money towards an important cause. So once again, thank you to each and every one of you. Every penny you donated will go to saving someones life, I promise you.

Exactly one week from today (and this moment), I will likely be exactly where I am right bed. However I will be sore, uncomfortable, and most likely a little tipsy, as I haven't had a drink in four weeks (five by next week) and will certainly be heading out for some post race celebration. The difference is, tomorrow I'll be hopping out of bed bright and early for a conference call, whereas a week from tomorrow I won't be able to move.

***This is a good place to check out if you don't want to read thoughts on the Penn St. scandal***

By now, everyone is obviously familiar with the sex abuse scandal involving the Penn St. coaching staff. As disgusted as I was with the events and lack of proactivity and reactivity on the part of the Penn St. coaching staff, I was even more flummoxed (always wanted to use that word) with the wide range of reactions I heard through conversation and saw on facebook and twitter. When details started emerging, I imagined the most reactions would range from "fire everyone" to "throw them all in jail" with the occasional "burn 'em at the stake" and one or two jokes that illicit a response of "too soon". I probably expected a few super zealous fans to be in support of Paterno too. What I didn't expect was such defiance as more details emerged, and an unwillingness to hold people in authoritative positions accountable. The Paterno defenders will quickly point a finger at a grand jury report, which absolves Paterno of criminal responsibility regarding a 2002 incident. What they completely ignore is his complacence to the matter, and how his lack of control on his own facilities allowed this perverted monster to continue to use the schools athletic facilities, and have children on campus as well. At best Paterno had to be held accountable for this and relieved of his duties.

Perhaps what equally surprised me in this matter is the criticism at which some had for people's expression of their opinions. Basically twitter and facebook are forums where you can share and discuss opinions (sometimes more maturely than others), so if you don't want to hear opinions on issues, we're left with "Just went to the grocery store" and "Good morning". Not exactly rich and exciting stuff there. While some people are more well spoken and agreeable than others, this is why both of these forums have subscribe and follow features...and believe it or not, you don't even have to log on and look to begin with. So if your opinion is "keep it to yourself" you may actually be the one sharing your voice in the wrong forum.

Stepping off the soapbox and headed to bed.



1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome that you have made your goal!

    Seeing people's reactions to the Penn St situation has been interesting to me. I have been surprised in both direction's by some people's reactions... but the point of (especially) Twitter is for conversations and for engaging each other, so I totally agree that the "keep it to yourself" response is just a little bizarre. I mean that's what social media is for, isn't it? If you don't want to hear someone's opinions (or see their 3-d ultrasounds or know what they are eating for lunch or whatever), unsubscribe, unfollow, unfriend. I'm in agreement w/ your soapbox.
