After 8 seasons, HBO's hit comedy Entourage wrapped up this past Sunday. DO NOT READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU WATCH THE SHOW, BUT HAVEN'T SEEN THE FINALE. BIG FAT SPOILER ALERT, EVEN THOUGH I'M SURE YOU CAN PREDICT EXACTLY HOW THE SHOW WENT. While the first couple seasons of the show were funny, raunchy and pretty much replicated the lives most of us would want to have with our three best friends, the show took a turn somewhere in Season 3 or 4. It became more predictable, less outrageous, and got a little bit sappy. Sure, you still had Ari screaming gay slurs at Lloyd, various hot naked chicks, and even a storyline involving a porn star, but it still seemed a little forced. It's like the guy that graduated from school 5 years ago, but still goes back and demands a beer pong game, a room of freshmen girls, and shotguns Pabst (Before any of you say it, I go to the bar when I'm back at school...and I only shotgun Miller Lite. So there). My point is, that dude, like the show, had to figure out whether to go left (more raunchy) or right (more serious), instead it was four or so seasons of the same. While everyone was pleased Ari fixed his family (or did he? Make sure to watch through the credits...apparently that movie career isn't jumping off for Jeremy Piven), Vince seemed to settle down, and Eric got his girl, I think everyone was really hoping for one more house party, random hot nude chick, and meltdown from Johnny Drama. In the end, it was a show I enjoyed, thought was pretty funny and kinda good, but could have been great. It was a multiple course meal that fizzled after the first two courses...much like these random analogies. Step up your game HBO, because Californication is everything Entourage should have been.
This weekend I'll be taking my running shoes down south to Atlanta to celebrate the wedding of my cousin Rachael. While two of my other cousins are married (and I'm older than all of them), I wasn't able to be at those two weddings, so I am quite excited. Not excited to answer questions about whatever lady is or isn't in my life, or excited to sit in an airport, but if you give the big guy music and an open bar, you get a happy big guy. Plus my dad's side of the family (the Italian side) is very fun and only has everyone together every couple years, so it should be quite a reunion. Good food, good drinks, good company, and tons of bad dancing...can't wait!
Lastly, and most importantly, we have had some pretty insane weather over the past couple weeks here in the northeast. All joking aside, this has done a tremendous amount of damage. For many families, they are out of homes, and with the current economic state, out of the resources to provide for their family. My friend Tim is starting an effort to raise money for his hometown in Pennsylvania which has been decimated by flooding. While he has a fundraising goal, the best part about this effort is that you can contribute anything. Clean your closets and find clothes, get rid of canned food that you haven't had in months, those old blankets will provide a comfortable night sleep. So while times are tough, and you may not have the cash, you can still contribute. CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ON THIS CAUSE. So go ahead and show some love to a community that needs more of it that you can imagine.
That's all for now,
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